Wednesday, July 15, 2009

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How to convert a FAT32 partition to NTFS on Windows XP

The FAT32 filesystem (introduced with Windows 98) have now been far outnumbered by those of type NTFS : filesystem type is essential because it determines how files are named, saved and organized within a disk. In particular filesystem NTFS (New Technology File System) offer many innovative features such as better management of available space, the ability to store files large-sized, with some flexibility to manage file permissions and folders and protect and encrypt the data so as to limit access to unauthorized users. Also NTFS offers better security-level data integrity : If the system crashes it always generates a log that allows Windows, in most cases, to restore the situation without loss of information.

the picture below you can see the difference in terms of management of space on a 300GB external drive: after the conversion from FAT32 to NTFS you have a gain of 12GB !

conversione fat32 ntfs Come convertire una partizione FAT32 in NTFS su Windows XP

But sometimes it can happen, especially with external USB hard drives, you have partitions with the FAT32 file system formatted by default as is already full of data stored Fortunately, this is not a problem because there is a possibility to convert a FAT32 partition to NTFS manera simple, without losing any data stored .

The conversion procedure is as follows:

  1. Identify the letter of the drive to convert FAT32 to NTFS (in our example we will assume it is the hard chge " F: )
  2. Open a command prompt: Start => Run => cmd.exe
  3. At the prompt, type (without quotes):
    " vol F: "
    delivery dates to see the name given to the FAT32 partition to convert
  4. In prompt, type (without quotes):
    " convert F: / fs: ntfs "
    dates Submission: enter the volume name to convert (you have already achieved in the preceding paragraph) and then sending back dates. Note that the conversion process may take up to several hours.

fat32 to ntfs Come convertire una partizione FAT32 in NTFS su Windows XP

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How to back up the activation of Windows Vista

attivazione widows vista Come effettuare il backup dellattivazione di Windows Vista
want to secure the information activation of your copy of Windows Vista legally registered, so you do not have nasty surprises in the event such as a computer formatting?

The procedure is very simple:

  1. Enable viewing of hidden files
  2. Move to folder C: \\ Windows \\ ServiceProfiles \\ NetworkService \\ AppData \\ Roaming \\ Microsoft \\ SoftwareLicensing
  3. Idetificate file tokes.dat es alvatelo external media to your liking.

When such a new operating system installation, you restores activation information simply copying the file in question in the same position in the filesystem.

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Windows 7 Tips & Tricks: Free eBook official

windows7 Windows 7 Tips & Tricks: eBook ufficiale gratis In order to promote immediately the new features in Windows 7 , Microsoft gave impetus to a range of initiatives, first of all, the ability to download and install the release candidate of this new operating system, but also access to documents and guides designed to help its users in the migration process that sooner or later will inevitably occur.

" Windows 7 Tips & Tricks " is a free collection of simple tricks just released by Microsoft in order to illustrate in a simple and intuitive some features of Windows 7 : These are 4 PDF files, each of which contains 7 tricks for such simplified management of the windows, the integration with the projectors, multi-monitor management, the ability customize the taskbar, and so on ...

Download Windows 7 Tips & Tricks

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How to turn Windows XP in Windows 7 in just 5 minutes

seven remixxp Come trasformare Windows XP in Windows 7 in soli 5 minuti
Release Candidate Windows 7 is already free download from Microsoft, but has a limited duration until June 2010, doipodiché become unusable, which is why, in my view, base is a rather burdensome that does not make a lasting advantage. However, if the your computer is running Windows XP and are curious to use immediately the new potential of 'Windows 7 interface without causing any distortion to your operating system, what I recommend is to install XP Seven Remix.

Seven Remix XP is actually a free transformation pack that will make the Windows XP interface is identical to that of Windows 7 without affecting the basic functionality of the operating system: it is therefore a free application from about 20MB Windows XP application that works in a simple cosmetic changes and is simply downloaded and installed like a normal program.

After installing XP Seven Remix really will struggle to recognize the old operating system, since the change involves virtually all of the GUI, starting with the login screens and windows to the icons and mouse pointers. In any case, you can always decide what features to enable and disable customization through the management interface NS Welcome Center. Download

Seven Remix XP

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How to password protect any program on Windows

share a computer (and some users ) with other people and want to make sure that they do not use some specific programs?

As you know, Windows provides a system of protection and management of permits (which on Vista is too intrusive) based solely on the user who logs on to the system: therefore, if the same is shared among multiple users people (think for example to computers schools and universities), there is no way constrain the use of a particular program to the inclusion of a specific password protection .

protect exe Come proteggere con una password qualunque programma su Windows

Protect Exe is a free software that addresses this particular need very well, allowing you to set a password protection to any executable file this on Windows: the password is not saved in the registry nor in any temporary files or concealed and protected program is used in an absolutely independent of the presence of Protect Exe in the system. This is due to the fact that Protect Exe works by directly modifying the executable program be protected by applying an encryption based on a 256-bit Twofish key and creating a backup copy of the original that you can decide whether to keep or remove in a safe place.

Protect Exe runs on nearly all versions of Windows, from Windows 98 to Windows Vista. Download Protect Exe

Via MakeUseOf

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Add custom menu items click the right mouse button on XP

The context menu that opens when you click the right mouse button corresponding to the selected files or folders, it is of great convenience because you can instantly run a variety of tasks such as the-fly creation of compressed archives, in the case of editing text files, sending emails,

etc ... Perhaps not everyone knows that this menu is easily customizable without having to install any special software, but simply by using the advanced configuration options of Windows XP folders .

For example, suppose you install GIMP and want to add a new menu item "Edit with GIMP " to all our files of type JPG .

Here's how: Start

  1. " Explorer" menu and " Tools" select "Folder Options ... "
  2. In the "Options Folder "select the tab" File Types "fi
  3. In the list of file extensions types recorded in the operating system identified one called" JPG "
    estensioni file Aggiungere delle voci di menù personalizzate al click del tasto destro del mouse su XP
  4. Select" Advanced "in the bottom right to change Contextual menu items associated with files of type 'JPG "
    estensioni file 2 Aggiungere delle voci di menù personalizzate al click del tasto destro del mouse su XP
  5. Select" New "to create the new menu item and fill in the various fields as shown in the picture below (the"% 1 " is a placeholder that represents the name of the selected file will be opened for which the context menu):
    estensioni file 3 Aggiungere delle voci di menù personalizzate al click del tasto destro del mouse su XP
  6. Confirm all changes by giving "OK "

Here's an example of the effect obtained with these simple changes:
estensioni file 4 Aggiungere delle voci di menù personalizzate al click del tasto destro del mouse su XP

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How to clean up the history in Internet Explorer from the command line

clearhistory Come ripulire la cronologia di Internet Explorer da linea di comando
All I'll agree fact that the browsing history browser can be as useful as extremely annoying, depending on the situations where you are. Often, especially if you are using a computer shared among several people, the fact that everyone can see exactly all the sites we visited, it might be rather unpleasant.

Internet Explorer 7 provides virtually all functionality clean history, delete temporary files , stored passwords, the data stored in the form and cookie, the problem is that These are features that are not accessible and identifiable in an immediate and intuitive, so that even those who know them well at times tends to get confused.

Fortunately there is an alternative that does not require installing any additional software and that is much more convenient especially if you have a little 'familiarity with the command line: all the features of clean private data are it can also be made to close the browser, directly from the command line , or from the Start menu of Windows Vista (via the box "Search") and Windows XP (via the box "Run").

Here are the commands:

  • Deleting temporary files : RunDll32.exe
     Inetcpl.cpl, ClearMyTracksByProcess 8 

  • Delete Cookies: RunDll32.exe
     Inetcpl.cpl, ClearMyTracksByProcess 2 

  • Delete browsing history : RunDll32.exe
     Inetcpl.cpl, ClearMyTracksByProcess 1 

  • Delete form data compiled : RunDll32.exe
     Inetcpl.cpl, ClearMyTracksByProcess 16 

  • Deleting stored passwords : RunDll32.exe
     Inetcpl.cpl, ClearMyTracksByProcess 32 

And Finally, if you want delete all private data in a single operation the command to launch is: RunDll32.exe

 Inetcpl.cpl, ClearM 

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How to speed up the shutdown of Windows Vista or XP

windows shutdown Come velocizzare lo shutdown di Windows Vista o XP
problems performance of Windows are a hot topic throughout the blogosphere: tutorials and articles that teach you how Speed \u200b\u200bUp Windows there are plenty in circulation so that it is often difficult to get an idea of \u200b\u200btheir real value and their actual reliability, so I think it is best to proceed with caution (and the appropriate backup or creating a restore point ) before making any type of intervention, particularly if it has to do with changes to the registry.

In this article, for example, we'll see how we can speed up shudown Windows with a simple and safe modification of the registry. The trick is to decrease the waiting time to set the default to 20 seconds for closing services and programs running, after which Windows will start the procedure of forced shutdown:

  • Start "regedit.exe "
  • Position yourself in the following folder:
     HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Control 

  • Identify the key

    diminuitene and the default " 20000" (20 sec.) Lead to less than that in any case not less than " 5000" (5 seconds)

Obviously the benefits of this change vary widely depending on the software installed on your PC and its hardware features.

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total of more than 4GB of RAM on Linux and Windows XP / Vista

ram Come utilizzare più di 4GB di RAM su Linux e Windows XP/Vista

ll your PC can not "see" more than 4GB of RAM both Linux and Windows XP / Vista even though you will have installed a larger quantity? Do not worry, a solution exists and is in ' enable system-level operational mode PAE (Physical Address Extension), which is a feature of x86 processors that allows you to overcome the barrier of 4GB of RAM . This is achieved by the processor using a 36bit addressing that, while remaining compatible with the structure 32-bit, allows the operating system to achieve use up to 64GB of RAM . Both

on Windows XP / Vista than on standard distributions of Linux the PAE is normally not entitled to it because it is not always properly supported by the motherboard or drivers installed on your operating system: the only thing to do is try to enable it after you have obviously taken the necessary precautions.

enable PAE mode on Windows XP

  • Right click on " My Computer" and select "Properties "
  • Open the tab " Advanced "and under" Startup and Recovery ", click on" Settings "and then" Edit "
  • will open a notepad with the contents of the file" boot.ini " identified in the file section " [operating systems] " and then change the boot string by appending the flag " / PAE " in a manner similar to the following:
    multi (0) disk (0) rdisk (0) partition (1) \\ WINDOWS = "Microsoft Windows XP Professional" / noexecute = optin / PAE

Enable PAE mode in Windows Vista

  • Press the Windows key + R, then type "cmd " and press Enter;
  • Press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to execute the prompt in administrator mode;
  • Type the command " BCDEdit / set PAE forceenable "then press Enter.

enable PAE mode on Linux Ubuntu

  • Open a terminal and run the following sequence of commands to install a kernel "PAE aware" :
    sudo apt-get update sudo sudo apt-get install linux-headers-server linux-image-server linux-server
  • Once the installation is complete, reboot the system with the new kernel: sudo reboot

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The 10 best free programs for the protection How to use Windows

Despite all the efforts made by Microsoft (such as the introduction of ' UAC on Vista), Windows continues to be a operating with many deficiencies in terms of safety : take a virus or trojan during surfing the Internet is far too easy and often, when we become aware of the incident, have already reach significant levels of impairment of the operating system. Fortunately there are many outstanding

free software designed to increase its the security level of Windows , acting essentially on two different (but complementary) levels:

  1. Threat Prevention : they are part of this group all programs ( firewall and antivirus ) aimed at blocking the ' access to your computer from viruses, Trojans, malware , etc ...
  2. Infections Removal: If a virus is able to pass the first level of software are needed to ensure effective and definitive removal of the infection or malicious software : fit in this group all the different engines for antivirus scanning and cleaning of various software system.

Following are those who for me are the 10 best free programs to help you get total protection for Windows :

avast I 10 migliori programmi gratuiti per la protezione totale di Windows

  • Avast Home edition : defined by many almost the same level of commercial products like Norton Antivirus , Avast itself as one of the best antivurus in free circulation. E 'has a good scanning engine that is the file system of web traffic (that also allows you to surf the Internet with more peace of mind). One of the greatest strengths is that it has a very low consumption of resources during its operation, so will not affect normal operation.
  • AVG Free : Another good free antivirus, thanks to its lightness, it is particularly suitable to be used on computers a bit 'dated.

spybot I 10 migliori programmi gratuiti per la protezione totale di Windows

  • Spybot Search And Destroy : due to frequent updates of the database, Spybot S & D is placed first in class and, despite the interface a bit 'Spartan , is the best free software for detecting and removing spyware.
  • Ad Aware Free Edition : comparable with Spybot, Ad Aware is a product with a very respectable 'interface certainly more pleasant and perhaps more intuitive for beginners

 I 10 migliori programmi gratuiti per la protezione totale di Windows

  • Comodo Firewall Pro : is without doubt the best free firewall in service: highly configurable and easy to use for both novice untente for the more demanding requirements. It provides a 'clear and intuitive interface which also allows real time monitoring the work done by the firewall to protect against threats and intrusion attempts from the network
  • ZoneAlarm Free Firewall : popular and widely used is a good alternative to Comodo, although overall I think is most lacking in terms of usability and configurability especially

ccleaner I 10 migliori programmi gratuiti per la protezione totale di Windows

  • CCleaner : excellent tool for removing any type of temporary file / unused on your computer, it works like a ven registry cleaner and uninstaller. We discussed in detail in this article
  • nCleaner : similar to CCleaner but for a user to more experienced. We discussed in detail in this article
  • HijackThis : Unlike CCleaner and nCleaner, HijackThis is a spyware removal tool that works very low level, without a lot of automation: it is better to remove even the most insidious threats and nascaoste, but you must always be well aware of what you are doing, otherwise you risk compromising the system.

 I 10 migliori programmi gratuiti per la protezione totale di Windows

  • K9 Web Protection : in this case it is a concept of security a bit 'different from previous ones, but perhaps much more important because, in this case those who need Security is not the computer but the user himself. In fact, very often in Internet content are violent, pornographic or racist which can be very harmful, especially for children (although, in my opinion, not even adults should consider themselves exempt).
    K9 is a free software that enables a system of parental control ( parental control ") and thanks to its built-in filters and personalzzabili you protect your network from unwanted content and offensive . However, this is a fairly complex software to install and is therefore also necessary to have a little experience to be able to appropriately

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Put the turbo to the Windows Start menu with VistaStartMenu Crack

The boot menu is undoubtedly the main component of the user interface of Windows because it represents the point of main access to the execution of all programs on your computer, and for this reason, the factor "usability" holds great importance. A menu just usable, confusing or difficult to navigate may be a major obstacle to any type of user, and unfortunately in some ways this is already the case very often with the classic menu Boot Windows XP or Vista.

VistaStartMenu is officially recognized as one of the most viable alternative to the classic Start menu of Windows . Designed to take advantage of human cognitive faculties such as the associative memory and the ability to store locations of objects , VistaStartMenu is a solution that can increase productivity for both the user base for help. In fact, beyond the normal conception of boot menu intended solely for launching applications, configured as the access point for all activities conducted on computer, reducing in this way the need to use the Desktop or Windows Explorer.

VistaStartMenu In particular, you can:

  • centrally so access to all applications in respect of all the files in the filesystem with only one or two clicks, launch the command
  • or research from the same box automatically integrates with Google Desktop Search and Windows Desktop Search;
  • customize the Start menu in every respect both for the skin that the level of zoom or font size of the items on the list;
  • identify very simple programs and, more generally the placement of any particular item due to the fact that nothing is moved or rearranged (a program uninstall leaves a blank space in menu).

VistaStartMenu is available in both free and in the PRO version for a fee. The PRO version is essentially different for three additional features:

  • able to uninstall programs directly from the menu without accessing the Control Panel;
  • the presence of the feature "One Click Lauch" to launch an application which is handled automatically with a single click, without having to access any submenu
  • the possibility of creating additional tab containing specific sets of applications.

is the official site of VistaStartMenu provides a simple and intuitive video (complete with subtitles in Italian) in a few moments you can help make you even more precise idea of \u200b\u200bthe benefits you get from using this application.

Finally, to the detriment of the name, is compatible with Windows VistaStartMenu XP/Vista/2000/2003. Download


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official guide to optimizing Windows Vista

Ottimizzazione Windows Vista

Windows Vista is an operating system that in many situations at the level of performance leaves much to be desired: many of the default settings that every user is enabled after installation are stringent to the point by making the computer almost unusable in many situations.

Microsoft seems to have officially taken note of this reality, so that has released a free ebook titled "Windows Vista Performance and Tuning ": this is a fairly detailed guide that covers all aspects related to 'optimize Windows Vista . The main advantage of this guide, compared to many others that can be found online, is undoubtedly based on the fact that all the tips and tricks content can be trusted 100% as they are certified by Microsoft itself.

In particular, the optimization issues covered in this guide are as follows:

  • Configuration Changes system to lower the response time for normal operation.
  • Using additional hardware components to increase system performance ( ReadyBoost ).
  • Changes to the configuration system to allow start times lower.
  • Increased reliability of the system to make it more stable and efficient.
  • Indications for performing periodic inspections to identify potential bottlenecks before the computer will end up being useless.

Download the ebook " Windows Vista Performance and Tuning "

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How to create a simple, harmless virus for Windows

ever wanted to do a harmless but effective joke to a friend on his PC by installing a dummy virus that can cause the effect with a certain "emotional impact", such as opening and closing the DVD drive, rather than turning off the monitor or the opening of windows at random?

If the answer is yes then you should definitely read this post!

The operating principle of our fake virus is based on the use of nircmd.exe , a free utility downloadable from here , which is capable of performing a series of operations and controls in Windows mode "silent", ie without opening the window of performance seems like a trivial thing, but you'll soon realize you also that this is a utility that lends itself to a lot of interesting applications :-).
Here are the steps to create and enable our virus :

  1. Once you download nircmd.exe , unzip and run the executable " nircmd.exe " in the victim's computer, then select the button "Copy to Windows directory .
  2. Create a file " fun.bat " in any folder and Inserit the following content: @ echo off
    cd% windir%
    nircmd.exe infobox "Hello I am a VIRUS and now take possession of your PC! "
    FOR%% A IN (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10) DO (
    FOR%% B IN (1 2 3 4 5) DO (
    nircmd.exe exec show "% windir% \\ system32 \\ calc. exe "
    nircmd.exe wait 500
    nircmd.exe monitor off
    nircmd.exe cdrom open d:
    nircmd.exe cdrom close d:
    nircmd.exe beep 500 500 1000
    nircmd.exe wait
    nircmd.exe monitor on
    NirCmd . exe wait

  3. Drag the file on the Start menu in Start => Programs => StartUp .

At this point you do not need it for the world to miss the scene when your "alleged" friend will restart your PC and start to see your CD / DVD to open and close continuously, dozens of windows open, intermittent beep and the monitor turns on and off every two seconds!

In any case, apart from the playful, nircmd.exe also lends itself to many interesting and useful applications in the management of your operating system. For a more complete list of examples of commands and controls managed I suggest you visit the official website.

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How to activate Windows Home Server with a simple change in the Registry

attivazione windows Come attivare Windows Home Server con una semplice modifica nel Registry
In the past we have seen how changing a simple registry key you can get a copy of Windows XP working perfectly just as if he had actually purchased a license this time we will see how we can get 'activation of Windows Home Server in a similar manner.

Windows Home Server is a version of Windows designed for the storage in the family: between the various features in particular offers the opportunity to organize and share audio and video files and manage in a simple and automatic backup of all home computer.

To get your version Windows Home Server fully functional, follow these steps: Get

  1. send or get a free evaluation copy (expiring after 120 days) from Microsoft via this link , currently only available for Europe are the English, French and German. The following paragraphs will refer then to the English version.
  2. Once installed your test version of Windows Home Server, the boot menu (the button "Start "), select "Run "
  3. In the box that appears type "regedit " to start 'Registry Editor, and then Locate the following registry key:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ WPAEvents
  4. (Caution: the changes to be had in forward must be made as quickly as possible, otherwise Windows may automatically change some settings in individual case of partial mismatch level data Registry) Identify the key
  5. OOBETimer , select it and right click, select "Modify "
  6. Sostituitene value with the following: FF D5 71 D6 8B 6A 8D 6F D5 33 93 FD and select "OK "
  7. Select WPAEvents click the right mouse button and choose" Permissions ... , "then" Advanced "
  8. permission handling in the box uncheck the checkbox on the following message:" Inherit from parent the permission entries That apply to child objects. These include entries with Explicitly defined here. "Then click" Apply .
  9. further confirmation box will appear: select "Copy "
  10. From the window of advanced management permits selected " SYSTEM " then click on the "Edit . Select the "Deny " to block all users from accessing the key or change it.
  11. Date " OK" and restart the computer

This article is obviously intended for informational purposes only.

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already available for Windows Genuine Advantage!

How many of you have probably noticed, since the last days of August, Microsoft began shipping via Windows Update the new version of anti -Piracy WGA (Windows Genuine Advantage). Most

alert owners of versions of Windows without an licensed will probably prefer to avoid installing this update, knowing the consequences that generally it can cause. This new version of WGA fact, if you identify a non-regular does not just stop the updates and provide a warning, but also change the look of your Desktop making it completely black background and displaying a message that counterfeiting.

windowsxpnewwga1 Crack già disponibile per Windows Genuine Advantage!

windowsxpnewwga2 Crack già disponibile per Windows Genuine Advantage!

As always, however, the tireless "underground community" has done much to wait for his response: a crack Windows Genuine Advantage is already in circulation and seems to be able to allow any PC with Windows XP without a regular license to use, however successful Windows Update, Microsoft Update and Microsoft Download Center. To install the crack

proceed as follows:

  1. If you have not already done so, allow Windows to perform the update to WGA (KB905474)
  2. Download and extract the file to an empty folder WGA_v18310.rar or alternatively the file Windows.Genuine.Advantage.Validation.v1.8.31.0.CRACKED.rar
  3. Stand with the DOS Prompt in the folder containing the file and run extract via command line installation script: installer.bat .
  4. If you have problems with this automated procedure can also manually copy the files LegitCheckControl.dll, WgaLogon.dll and WgaTray.exe in the following folders: C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ dllcache and C: \\ Windows \\ System32
  5. Restart the computer

Note: If you'd like to uninstall the crack is sufficient to run the command: installer.bat / u

This article is intended for informational purposes only, I take no responsibility for the download or to ' improper use of the software mentioned.

Via My Digital Life