Thursday, March 17, 2011

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Even the infirmary full Massetana

is approaching the meeting with Atletico Bagnaia and the mass shift is still a dire emergency.
Unfortunately, many absences are creating many problems for Mr. Strong that training has to change every week and this week is certainly not exception.
News from the field in fact are not very positive and say a strong doubt in Valerie Gennari, Olimpieri Pettorossi and could be the match but they are both feverish, and certainly will forfeit Menestò Pecorari and pit stop for muscular problems .
A situation is therefore very difficult for the team that Massetana precisely in the crucial stage of the championship is more than ever, a strong emergency players, a condition that has dogged the red and blue for most of the entire league certainly affect the performance of the team.
now before the rest of the round on April 3, it is to overcome the obstacle and then the Tordandrea Bagnaia, two games difficult but very important that Atletico are likely to determine the location of the play off the grid, so you try to erase the lackluster performance of recent games by pulling out all the pride that this group has in its DNA, fielding all possible forces and the highest concentration ... only then can be sure you've given everything!
Come on guys ... but ... nothing is impossible and we believe you?

There is strong who does not fall, but who has the strength to stand up falling. (Jim Morrison)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

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Day 11 - Return Of

Monday, March 14, 2011

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Victory for PdM then win ...

This is the comment of going with the Metalstudio:
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Victory for PdM then loses ...
In a night like any other in that of Mugnone await the Metalstudio ... 21:00 pm
planned kick-off, where are they?? (Lost in traffic apparently)
You win 3 points ... a table match, and pizza all at home!
PdM share in 13 ...
It is, but we do not like to win easy!
is that with more than 20 'Metalstudio the delay occurs, the delegate, with an extreme act of doing good (it will be that Christmas is near) asks us what do you play or not play??
Moments of indecision someone vote yes, vote no, but as someone who is also responsible for us for Christmas is approaching and shocked by the news that Santa Claus does not exist, this year we want to bring them gifts!
Ok let's play! ... I stop here after we know unfortunately ... In this round the
Metalstudio does not occur at all, and makes sure the PdM three points, having regard to the precious evening with great absences, and thanks to the victory of Trallaltro against the Red Lily, a second place is worth gold!
Everything in our hands!

Ps. Thanks to James for giving us a hand when you need it!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Railway Sleeper Retaining Wall

Parrano and ends at Atletico Atletico networks white

Parra - ATLETICO MASS: 0-0

End at the meeting between the networks white Parrano and Atletico Massa valid for the 25th day of the championship round of the Third Category B.
For Atletico gained a point away but surely Mr. Strong (pictured ) has seen but think that maybe expected a little more from his boys after the clear defeat last Sunday against Col. Bas.
Now, however, we must now think very hard and very important meeting on Saturday and against Bagnaia, well-equipped team in the standings following Atletico to just two points away. First leg ended 1-1 but for Massetani there really is exploiting the opportunity to stretch the field factor, with the hope to recover even a few crashes that these days but it would be very much appreciated!

Sorry for the lack of reports of this round, but in cases of force majeure shall not be able to go to attend the meeting, so there I make an appointment to look at the highlights of PANEVISION we will publish in mid-week.

I take this opportunity to publicly thank all the Athletic Ground and all those who shared with me the immense joy at the arrival of Margaret.
My promise is that already for next Saturday I will be present again at the stadium to "try" to talk about how every time the exploits of these guys for me, along with the entire leadership of course, have already obtained their greatest achievement: to create a wonderful group of friends who can have fun and be together outside the pitch!

"True friends love to share those precious moments that life brings them, as the little things of life that is worth living every day."
Sergio Bambarén

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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Impossible is Nothing! Pian del Mugnone

Each of us lives the day of the game in its own way, there are those who warms the room as Simone Anderini: is prepared by the League of Austria-awaited meeting between Scotland's Orange Tulip and the PDM. At 22:00 last night a good part of town you stop in front of screens or, in the case of the luckiest fans in Campo La Fontana, to attend a clash missed international football.
Some count the hours as Alessio Leta: - 11 hours and 47 minutes , there are those who''sings''the also well Andrea Cipriani PdM anthem: There Bon Bon Bon There Bo Bo !!!!!
Some women recalled that today is an important day for them, Ricardo Frati: Women Christmas and there are those who would like to thank ''rich'' Anderini Thanks Daniel, then there are those dreams, If I had the opportunity to express 3 wishes the first would be a new knee in order to play this game ... Abiuso Domenico
Anticipation, anxiety, know that this is a decisive game, reopen if you win the championship, if you lose, you only have to fight to stay where you are ... We know the value
degl'avversari are first and surely must mean something, but you also know of our value based primarily on the strength of a group of friends who want to have fun.
I want to emphasize the words of the workout after Sunday's Cipriani We are the most beautiful .... and I do not say whether aesthetic (also because I can afford enough to see why I say !)...... how we train, all with a smile, always ..... this is perhaps in the league that binds us and makes us win all (and I mean all the games ... !!!!!)
Nothing could be more right!
It is with this spirit that the PdM extends its winning streak to six by beating the league leaders for 5a1.
's something unexpected to find to fight for the championship, at least 3 points from the top, at this point, we believe and continue on this road, there are still 4 games, whatever happens will be a success! .
''When you move in the direction of your goals, nothing can stop you .''

''''The editorial Domenico Abiuso

REPORT CARD PDM-I TULIPS 5-1 (3 sheep, Cipriani, Massaro)

Nicolella vote 10 on the right, under the intersection of the poles, a brick was missing, the rest just the work of bricklayers. That was done in Berlin in comparison with Lego.

Anderini Rating 7.5: makes it easy to difficult, like being number 22 on the opponent's game but that creates real dangers, and it remains glued to the tip even had the silicone and the Pea.

Cipriani vote 8: The first goal of the evening is a masterpiece that bears his signature and the whole evening has the hottest foot of the seventeen American visiting Florence. Defends a grim one.

Leta 3.5 rating: cue the match so striking, the unthinkable mistake. "An Eternal rest grant unto him, Lord. Splenda in Your perpetual light and he rest in peace. Amen." Great desire to build on next ...

GAVILLE vote 6: play very little and certainly will be back in the next games. But in those few minutes in the presence piss head opponents reciting the Divine Comedy. Predestined.

Massaro 7.5 vote: a big night overshadowed only by that in the same hour Michelle Hunziker make sure the title of 'Miss Vagina 2010'.

Pecori vote 9: if they did a DNA test on the Shroud of Turin, Jesus discovers he has a twin brother. Elusive.

Alessio Leta

Sunday, March 6, 2011

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Massa - Col.Bas .... that Scoppola!

Networks: 17'pt Valeri (B), 34'pt Venarucci (B), 12'st Mocci (AM), 38st Boccolini (B)
athletic Massa very altered, eleven players out for accident, the enterprise fails to keep up with a super Col.Bas. who wins the big match of the 24 th day with a heavy 4-1. Victoria certainly deserved result, but perhaps too severe for men in the shooting of Mr. Strong that react with great pride at the drab proof of the first 45 'and then only in the final surrender. At this moment the Col.Bas. with the new arrivals is well above the team Massetana, has reinforced a lot and is proving to be a really great team , square and well-matched in every department and the results are giving absolutely right. Atletico sincere heart for so little play but is completely absent in the first portion of the game much better in the second half, but certainly not very incisive and where once again the absences were felt like boulders weighing, unfortunately too many players in roles that are not adapted own and the game suffers a lot but who has taken the field are doing their best, but the difference with the first part of the season you see.

respected the minute's silence in memory of the hold of the Alpine Massimo Ranzani killed Monday ' in Afghanistan, and immediately began the meeting the guests take their ball game even though the first and the athlete with Mocci dangerous action, shooting outside the box, the diversion of a defender and the ball on the pole.
The Col.Bas. shows great individuality and good organization of play so that the 17 'comes with a well-deserved advantage Valeri able to push the network to head a cross from Boccolini.
Atletico suffered and struggled to get ahead because there are no landmarks, and when restarted never find no one in front to collect the ball. At 23 'guests are still to be hazardous Gijnaj, but weak and attentive and makes diving in the corner, then at 33' wasting badly off guard with a good location Venarucci that do not circumscribe the door.
Massetani A minute later the chapter yet, Gammaidoni D. smooth with the ball and then Venarucci which controls around Noble that stretches from behind, the referee is strictly between the protests of rossoblu indicating the location of the foul started outside the box. On the ball goes the same for Col.Bas n.9. that displaces Fiacchi for 2-0.
Atletico is on the ropes while still pushing the guests and only the reflexes of weak save at 39 'from the Massetani 3-0 on a beautiful shot of Gijnaj.
In the second half Atletico seems regenerated and finally starts to spin the ball creating hardships the Col.Bas. and after 12 'Mocci shortens the distance by networking two steps of a cross Marchetti Cozzi rejects badly.
Massetani I now believe in the comeback, 'cos they try to push hard but the visitors were always dangerous and the 23' corner kick Gajnaj committed head still sluggish, then between 27 'and 29' s Atletico creates two opportunities that will be decisive for the rest of the race before with Gammaidoni F. area that runs well with a super Cozzi lifting a corner and then with Marchetti explodes from a tight angle with the right in the middle of the ball hitting the post with goalkeeper beaten.
At 32 'is to try Menestò Cozzi distance but is careful and rejects his fists. I rossoblu some 'hopeless case continue to press too hard but in wanting to take them to retrieve the result of mistakes too, and as the minutes pass the Col.Bas. although suffering somehow manages to defend itself and then to 38 'thinks Boccolini to close the race with a beautiful free kick at the near post with faint that it can only watch. Mr. Strong tries to remove two defenders before putting the other two strikers but this move only makes the inevitable counter-attacks of the guests at the 41 'close games with Volpi putting a cross in the network of the inexhaustible Baciucco.
A heavy defeat to Atletico Massa that he must recover some of the players to think of a season finale even though important today in front of you has found perhaps the best team in the form of the championship.

Athletic Weight: 6 Fiacchi , Gammaidoni D. 5 (38st Lupini), P. Santorelli 5 (38st Mari), Olimpieri 5 (1'st Menestò 5.5) Gammaidoni F. 6, 5 Nobili, G. Baglioni 6 (22st Pettorossi 5.5), 5 Pecorari, Mocci 6 +, Bruscolotti 5.5, 6.5 Marchetti A disp. Paolucci, S. Baglioni, A. Gennari Appendix 5.5 Strong

COL.BAS.: Cozzi 6.5, Valeri 6 +, 6 Farinelli, Santi 6.5, Donati 6, Romoli 6.5, Gijnaj 7 (38st Volpi), Menghini 6 (14st Bartolini 6), Venarucci 6 + (41st Bianchi), Baciucco 7 (43st Modesti), Boccolini 6.5 A disp. Dimasi, Morini, Cerquiglini Herds Azzarelli 7

Tomorrow's game will come out the article in the Corriere Umbria

Thursday, March 3, 2011

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Day 9 - Return

not lose that game on Saturday will see the hosts Atletico in front of Massa and one of the revelations of this season and that is the Col Bas. of Mr. Azzarelli, divided in the standings by one point only.
Mr. Strong as usual has to cope with a long list of injured players (so many that could form a pretty good team ... see below) and if one part is the recovery of Mocci, absent Sunday S. Angelo di Celle, on the other also stops Gennari for a redesign everything from midfield.
In the hope that it is really a good day of sport and the weather, Saturday at least give a moment's peace, let's appointment as the Atletico fans to participate in numerous mass as usual, ready to toss all together just cry ... " strength athletes" ... and may the best win!

Probable formation of Saturday

Training injured ... not bad!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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Saturday 5 March 2011
Dinner Dance
... strictly all in masks!
During the evening, open bar

The festival will take place at the premises of the Vice-President Samuel Trisciani
inside the castle of Massa Martana

confirm no later than Wednesday, March 2 2011

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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a draw without too many jolts

S. Angelo di Celle - Atletico Massa: 1-1
Networks: 15st Bruscolotti (AM), 25st bellini (SAC)

Atletico Massa continues winning streak and in the field of HS cells leads to a draw at home that results day in hand, suggests three points lost that would have launched the team into second place in Massetana lonely.
A result remains fair, not playing particularly beautiful because of the weather and a really bad pitch that did not allow to play ball on the ground too quiet, but also too many steps and very few bad ideas in the process of 'setting on both sides.
Regarding Atletico say that to excuse a little 'company and Mr. Strong are the many absences due to injury still affecting the rossoblu, just to name a few Alcini, Valentini, Morichetti, Taddei, D. Santarelli, Squadrons, Mocci, Gammaidoni F., Paolucci, Picecchi, Antonelli, a long list that weighs heavily on managing the game and the players left, which obviously at this moment you can not ask for more.
Also Sunday, the Massetani took to the field by putting so much effort, but, without wishing to disparage anyone, the gaps and difficulties in some key areas you see and how, above all the absence Gammaidoni of Frederick in the middle of the field feels a lot, man of the highest order that can dictate the timing advanced to the whole department.
It must be said that if someone is still making it perhaps more than expected, some players are going through a very see-saw see all Menestò player with undoubted technical skills but is struggling to find some continuity.
After two days in which the attacker Massa seemed to have understood some basic moves for him and for the whole team, in the encounter with S. Angelo di Celle magazines have played some of its sterile and lonely who have never come to nothing if not worsen the performance.
What has been noticed from the stands is that too often look for the personal action or play improbable even in areas where instead of the field would be more useful to put the ball on the ground, and then exchange it with a buddy from now on looking for the speed depth.
is certain is that in order to do this kind of game that everyone should run more, to better assist the attackers in the process of setting offensive, especially when there is a counter-attack in which more than one occasion has been made Sunday .

Part strong as ever now Atletico that occurs first from the parts of frog, the 6 'Bruscolotti launches Marchetti, from cross country skiing, running well for Menestò Baglioni arrives in the middle a little late. The owners do not want to disgrace and so the 14 ', Sisti looks good in this area but is Santorelli and saved in extremis.
At 19 'occasionissima for S. Angelo, Bellini Artegiani serves well in the center, and a great shot of weak action that puts a foot in the corner. I put pressure on gialloblù Massetani that do not seem to find the key to the problem with a sterile midfield too often and too far from the actants.
The game goes by without too much emotion and then the final time we test Badacchini the distance with the ball rising over the bar.
started shooting with the team of Mr. Strong that seems to enter the field with more conviction even if the 7 is still Bellini, among the best of the premises, to bind up Fiacchi punishment. All'15 'Atletico took the lead angle of Gennari and perfect header Bruscolotti ( pictured) in the scrum that pierces Frogley.
On the wings of the Massetani try to push to close the game, but Marchetti before and shortly after Mari can not find the winning. At 22 'is still the athlete to become dangerous with Bruscolotti that from a tight angle, and then take out two defenders but shot wide. The
S. Angelo still does not give up and even less well in the first 45 'still can be seen from parts of the 25 Fiacchi that' nothing can be beautiful on fire by Bellini, which aimed at perfection of a beautiful action on the left by Artegiani .
Both teams seem content with a draw even if the 40 'on a quick free-kick by the hosts, Bellini focuses on a beautiful cross with Fiacchi still good to get out of hand with Olimpieri then free.

ends so that the encounter with Atletico must now think about the next day, this will be a week of great interest mainly because Saturday is the obstacle Col.Bas. that after changing coach and enlarged the rose with some important engagement, really seems to have found their own bedding and finding game goals, an important test of maturity for Massetani that should be deployed as well as much concentration and effort too much quality.
Come on guys, even though we are in an emergency, the time is right not to regret the absence, this is the time to roll up our sleeves and prove you deserve the good things done so far, trying to spend a week of calm but at the same time begin find right now the right incentives for players on Saturday afternoon ... remember .... there is no obstacle too big ... only reasons too small!

ATLETICO MASS: Fiacchi 6.5 , Gammaidoni D. 6, Santorelli 6, Pecorari 6 - , Bruscolotti 6 +, 6 Nobili, G. Baglioni 6, Gennari 5.5 (14st Olimpieri 6), Pettorossi 5.5, 5.5 Menestò (10st Mari 6), Marchetti 5.5 A disp. Bicchi, Lupini, Baglioni S. Herds Strong

S. ANGEL OF CELLS: 6 Frogley, M. Mencacci 5.5, 6 Palmierina, Cinti 6 -, Caporali 6 -, 6 Ciabatta, Canopies 6 -, Gambelunghe 5.5, Artegiani 6 +, 6 Bellini, Sisti 6 A disp. Valigi, Lorenzoni Herds Gianbenedetti 6

Monday, February 28, 2011

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Tie if you can!
continues winning streak Pian for the fifth consecutive Mugnone and now I am. THE final
Gs06 5 - 9 PdM
A team that is maturing, grows and learns to not lose your head, when you need to manage the game, which begins to gather what he has sown ...
It 'nice to look at the standings and see us so high, the unthinkable has been done, far from expectation, let's enjoy this moment ...
As always, low-profile and hard work is a long way!
\u0026lt;\u0026lt; The only limit to how high we can go is what we believe we can get . >> Anonymous

''''The editorial Domenico Abiuso

GS06 - PdM

Nicolella vote
6.5 A great gesture Daniel Anderini not beat the living daylights ...

Anderini D. Rating 6 -
not play his best against an opponent playing its hard and edgy as the number 23 opponent, who on several occasions, turn and score. Here is what happened when the bear Duracell batteries run out.

GAVILLE vote 6 +
Apart from a beginning so, it shows a unique style in every gesture. Even if you cibasse of worms would do it using silver cutlery.

Cipriani A. vote 7
Attending to his play is harder than being on the jury for the Miss Prague 2011: they are all too good to be able to choose the best.

Leta vote 8
If trumpet with the same continuity which marks the Martina will necessarily have to submit some friends to be able to have evenings free. He's back!

Pecori vote
7.5 ... said to be born in a manger ...

Massaro vote 7
Better than Viagra has shown that to remove a great satisfaction just hold on for a long time. The goal of the heel is the pearl of the evening!

Alessio Leta

Friday, February 25, 2011

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Day 8 - Return

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Discharge Instead Period

Highlights Ateltico Massa - Monteregio: 1-0

Funny Genitial Tatoos

A unification of Italy 150 years we have not yet come to terms with history

I've already been talking about 150 years from the unification of Italy, focusing my attention on 'subversive association in our country rather than on the history of Italy, but looking at the arrival Benigni horse on stage waving the flag of Sanremo, made me think that after all that is necessary to tell the story of Italy, that does not pass under the absolute and unanimous to capacity until the idealization of the faces and personalities that have marked the Italian Risorgimento.
Garibaldi was such a drunkard and gambler to pay gambling debts went about raiding like crazy especially in South America, where many still remember him as a bandit and then a mercenary, rather than as the hero of two worlds, which has long fueled the grievances of citizens above all Uruguayans to the Italians. He was also jailed for the robbery of a bank always made to pay the debts, but thanks to her knowledge of the policy could be immediately released. Beyond these minor anecdote leaving any difference, because now you do not know if it is more criminal who opens a bank robbery or who, we must recognize that the history into perspective providential unity of Italy, as well as the tale of the Renaissance teaches us, can not be passed for good and sacred without a minimum of objective criticism. Come to terms with history is essential to provide a solid base to our country as any other, thus leading to healthy human development of what should be the Italian people.
After the myth of Garibaldi, we must dispel even the house of Savoy, the king saying that the best that Italy has had, or at least a part of it, was not one of those who unified the beautiful country, but Frederick II of Swabia in times of crusades do not discriminate against people based on their race or religion is more than equal opportunities. Benigni should know, or at least known as Dante's Divine Comedy mentions it 5 times, treating with the respect they deserved and recognizes its merits, despite the excommunication, which the king received ... At the time of the Most
Cavour was a kingdom that was seen as a liberal kingdom back, as a country today that is not liberal is seen as a backward country, but the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies was rich and prosperous, as well as extraordinarily advanced without being liberal. The torture, executions without trial, the actual killings and all harassment and looting carried out by the Piedmontese to consolidate the unity just obtained, were far more heinous and uncivilized than the propaganda would have us believe Piedmont for the actions of Bourbon "barbaric and backward" in the eyes of other nations Modern European liberals because ...
History is always written by the winners and many things are always forgotten or distorted. The phenomenon of banditry was in fact a civil war with tens of thousands of deaths.

Here is an article which in my opinion is detached from the currents that are all the rage in Italy, showing a very brief form the true story without the mystification of the political and economic interests that have influenced the history books: "Beyond the Shroud 'UNITA' OF ITALY AND ACCOUNTS WITH HISTORY "

Monday, February 21, 2011

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Trallaltro ... we are strong!

continues winning streak for the Pian del Mugnone.
And we at 4 consecutive wins! The absence
indefinite Dome and Simo is a rose that gets shorter forces us to return to the market, but now you know, when the PDM decides to purchase them, make them well.
serves the tip, a few days of research in the free transfer, given the lack of funds, but in the end the striker's Thomas Pecori.
said than done and done well for him 5 goals! Well done to our
in the game now, concentrate on 1 at the last minute, eating too few goals that could reopen the game, but otherwise IMMENSE! The final
rectangle says Trallaltro 1 - Pian del Mugnone 6
\u0026lt;\u0026lt; Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a vision comune.L 'ability to diregere each individual achievement towards organizational goals. E 'fuel ch allows ordinary people to achieve uncommon results. >> Anonymous.
Determination Humility and Sacrifice.
E 'in this spirit that we become great ...!!!!

''''The editorial Domenico Abiuso


vote Nicolella 8.5: we have to dedicate a street

Anderini D. 7.5 vote: always attentive and concentrated saves on several occasions result with assistance from Academy Award. If the Sioux had had his fighting spirit now Central America would still be under the control of big chief buffalo horn sounding.

Cipriani A. vote 8: Dialogue with Sheep is a pleasure. A benefit to frame even if we are not yet at the levels of Cicciolina and his horse ...

Cipriani D. 7 Rating: It is proposed often but as a girl at first sexual intercourse with a friend: she puts a lot of effort but in the end who suffers the speed of the front.

Friars vote 7: agrees very pressing opponents but doing so without finding its position. However, it is useful as one that takes in an orgy the camera. THE POSIZIONEEEEEEEE!

GAVILLE vote 7 +: Jesus at his age it was still jerking off, he makes miracles already

Pecori vote 10: exciting. If Christ is the son of God, this is at least its first cousin.

Massaro vote 7: Lately, when he has the ball anything can happen. Intersection can put as many goals as may be wrong, usually you are blindfolded and upside down. This time it's "the second you said."

Alessio Leta

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Sunday, February 20, 2011

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Friday at a hospital in Spoleto , Giacomo Antonelli historical captain Atletico Massa has finally worked.
The intervention, which included in addition to the cleaning of the meniscus cartilage in the knee, was successfully carried out by Prof. Pucci. Now we have to wait about a month for the player to rossoblu leaned back leg then there will be the usual rehabilitation that will still result because of the time.
to him, for what is inside the unit and for a guy who can always give the correct meaning of human values, must be on behalf of the whole society of his companions and all the fans Massetani, the best wishes for an imminent recovery.
Force Captain ... guariosci back and bigger than before!!

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Three points ... but hard to mark!

Networks: 37pt Mocci

Victory measuring the mass gained from athletics Monteregio against Victoria in a match that in the early 45 'the only positive note was the goal scored by Mocci and little else.
grass on the ground in the city, available today saw some good weather, the team of Mr. Strong has always made the game, but giving away the first 45 'and again demonstrated the greatest difficulty in finishing stage and realization, it takes at least 5 / 6 chances to put in a lot.
In the first twenty minutes of the first half, but wasted a good opportunity to Menestò clumsily, we witnessed a game that frankly had little to do with the game of football, then the rossoblu showed a slight improvement but nothing to to tear his hair, still too many steps wrong and very little running in the legs, while fortune rossoblu, guests wasting two opportunities that could have changed the outcome of the game.
Fiacchi pass the ball to the defender, midfielder exchange with that track on the band ... then all head down to press those 20m ² without ever noticing that the other side was systematically a free player. But the exchange of game if they have ever heard?
the field will have been bigger than usual today, but obviously some players had in mind this small technical detail many times, as we say, as quoted by Mr. Strong in training and in the locker room, for which suggest a small clarification: change is considered to play when the ball is kicked by the right hand side of the field to the left or vice versa. Through a network of passages, together with the slowdown in the pace of the game, you try to attract the opposing players in a given area of \u200b\u200bfield, then put them in difficulty due to a change in the opposite space game, which had become free, where you are going to enter a companion unpredictably. So in this context, tactical, have the player with the passage of 40-50 meters in the foot (with a fastball trajectory and to gain time) and determining factor.
said that, in the second half moved the team better, some nice phrasing and also creating several important situations, but want the rush, you want your feet, then all aimed in the worst way .

But we come to news
Atletico starts with a good look and the 3 'Bruscolotti argues throughout his technique for getting rid of three players then pull slightly to the edge of the pole. A minute later it is still serving in depth Bruscolotti Menestò output of jealousy that makes a cross-shot that misses the door Mocci late to stop a possible range.
minutes pass and tremors are the only ones that Valentini look from the stands, as always in his own way, to give charge to his companions. At 22 'you see with Monteregio Rosati who tries from distance. At 32 'small gasp for Atletico, Gammaidoni D. mistaken engagement thereby baboons with a lob attempt to surprise Fiacchi with the ball but plenty of ends to the side.
At 33 'occasionissima for guests with Atletico you be surprised by a long ball, cross the fund Babbuni all alone in that area smooth conclusion to the network with Lupini that somehow manages to leave.
On 35 'is the Atletico forward to recur and does so with Bruscolotti that protects the ball well on the edge, right edge that rises just above the crossbar.
relentless when I go to 37 minutes' i Massetani went ahead. Gammaidoni becca Menestò deep from the back, nice control and shooting Jealousy on out, the ball returns to Massa's feet from a tight angle which contends with the ball before entering the network is diverted from Mocci in a very dubious.
In the second half we try now Santorelli free-kick on the frontline, the ball crosses the whole area without being touched by anyone and seemed doomed when crossing Jealousy n dip brings in a corner. Massetani I move better so that the maneuver seems to be smoother and more convincing. At 6 'Mocci, always feisty and combative as "el pore Antonelli captain," put in the middle of a beautiful cross but it is wasted Gennari from that small area in trying the stop instead of trying to fly immediately to the network by promoting the recovery of the defender. The
Monteregio albeit with a thousand labors still can be seen with the usual support for baboons Galletti, right footed shot with Fiacchi sure that collects in the arms. 13 'episode in question represent host Brizi in an attempt to serve their own goalkeeper with his chest, seems to hit the ball with his arm but the referee is completely regular with Massetani protesting.
at 22 'is a warm Antonini fists Fiacchi with a good free-kick from 20 meters, then at 27' chance for Atletico with Marchetti, who took over at Lupin, who collects well in a cross area Baglioni wasting then sending everything up.
Atletico seems well controlled opponents now can not even be dangerous on the counterattack, so you get the 45 'free-kick when Gennari good fishing in that area Olimpieri perhaps deceived by the smooth defender fails in touch close.
so the meeting ends with victory for the actions of the athlete who created deservedly wins these three points, although in the early 45 'the team has expressed a very low level and then find the spirit in the second half.
Next Saturday the rossoblu go to visit the cells of S. Angelo in a game that has always given strong emotions and if the fans are already buzzing ensuring a massive exodus of players will have to do the same, to ensure maximum effort as always concentration maybe trying to remember this time to put in the bag even a touch of cynicism in last two games have all forgotten at home.

Athletic Weight: 6 Fiacchi , Gammaidoni D. 6 - Santorelli P. 6 Pecorari 6, 6 + Bruscolotti (19st Olimpieri 6), Noble 6.5 , Baglioni G. 6, Gennari 6 Moccia 6+ Menestò 6+ (3st Pettorossi sv), Lupini 5.5 (11st Marchetti 6 ) A disp. Bicchi, Mari, Baglioni S. All. Forti

Monteregio Vittoria: Gelosia 6.5, Bonciarelli 5.5, Bietolini 5.5, Antonini 6, Biscotti 5.5, Brizi 5.5, Rosati 6, Galletti 6, Pascucci 5.5(14st Chievoloni 5.5), Caiello 5.5, Babbuini 6.5 A disp. Zaccheo, Marcellini, Grilli, Faralli, Napoletti All. Silvestrini

Ammoniti: Nobili, Mocci (AM), Caiello, Antonini (MV)
Arbitro: Iello 5.5

Friday, February 18, 2011

List Of The Original Pokemon

Day 7 - Return

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Trade Pokemon From Emulator To Ds

calf Highlights - Atletico Massa: 0-1

Monday, February 14, 2011

There A Rash In Between My Boobs

PdM five (sponge) stars

There are those nights where the air has a different taste, the taste of 25 in math!
But that's another story ... now let Match ...
First time only workshop that with a nice diagonal moves ahead and there remains until the end of the first half of the race ...
second half began without fear and in 2 minutes you will get a draw and the subsequent benefit created by the couple C & C (cyprus - CICC). Featured
the young protege Gaville good as usual in defense as much as in doing 3a1!
big test for him!
4 th goal the result of a better play than usual in Cyprus which takes full cross, poor wretch, winning the return of Leta!
that remains is to keep the results until the end, manage gl'ultimi minutes, but we just can not ...
We can give 3 free throws, but fortunately for us they scored only one ... (the usual Unbeatable Cri)
Friars Close the game by exploiting a great break! The final say
PdM 5 Officina del Gusto 3
third consecutive win ... keep a low profile and go forward with his head down!

Short comment Abiuso''Dominic''

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Expressions With The Word Baby

Magic Menestò and three points to Atletico

calf - ATLETICO MASS: 0-1
Networks: 10pt Menestò (AM)

Very important victory over the host Atletico land mass of the calf, as you know, on their ground game has made life difficult for all teams.
After the victory over Real S. Orsola the team of Mr. Strong was called really to a hard work, a trip that hid one thousand snares, and only pulling out a quality performance and great sacrifice you could go back to that of the three points with Massa in his pocket.
For the quality we say that in some situations still needs to be improved a lot, now there were two glaring scoring is not used properly by Massetana, mistakes in those games we should not commit because then, as has happened we must suffer to at the end and in some cases affidaresi also a bit of luck, however, that never hurts.
efforts instead on all of them have really given 101% to the final whistle, the children have understood early on that it would not be a walk, and all have worked for the team, with a super Pecorari Menestò in midfield and with a real magic that has signed on a free kick the winning goal.
As for the show hosts really do not deserve the ranking, but you can not make sure that only points at home and maybe this is the real Achilles heel of the team on the Trasimeno.
New training for Mr. Strong that in addition to the usual accident, it must also do without Marchetti and Olimpieri who have seen fit to go a few days in Mexico to find energy and stimuli, so detached house port Fiacchi (Paolucci, GREAT, was injured on its own to hand), usually with three defense Gammaidoni D., Noble and Santorelli, Pecorari front of the defense, midfield and Bruscolotti Gennari, Baglioni and G. Taddei on the wings and forward Menestò and Mocci.

It starts with the athlete who tries to impose his own game but the hosts are really difficult parts responding tit for tat. At 10 'but went ahead with the Massa Menestò that free-kick from the edge, draw a parabola very exciting with the ball which is then stuffed under the cross shape ...!
The calf tries to react immediately with Belli's free-kick but his shot ends high.
At 22 'Pecorari missed a step, try to bounce n.10 Fiacchi surprise that out of the stakes, in a style not quite orthodox still managed to put in a corner. At 32 'occasionissima for Atletico with Baglioni receiving excellent location in the middle and hit badly by firing over the crossbar.
At 45 'really curious as abnormal episode of mediocre referee of the day, with Mocci launched a network last defender and stretched local decreed punishment for Atletico Mass without ejecting it and warn the perpetrator of the foul to the face of those who wrote the game rules football ( Rule 12 - Fouls LIABLE FOR EXPULSION - POINT 5 ... a clear chance to cancel network to a player who goes to the opponent's goal by committing a foul punishable by a free kick or penalty).
is back in the locker room with Atletico ahead but with a calf still very combative and not at all submissive. The second half started with a nice turn of No. 10 which ends just wide, then at 9 'the pack Massetana another great scoring chances, Menestò runs away on the wing, an eye in the middle and the ball to the onrushing Mocci that only kicks in front of the door edge of the pole devouring doubling that would give more peace to the end.
The hosts try to make particularly dangerous down the flanks in midfield because a giant size Pecorari always manages to block attempts to break through. At 18 'is still the team to touch the goal with Massetana Gennari. Beautiful
launch of 25mt Bruscolotti with the outside right, controlled the ball in the area by Gennari and local port which is enhanced by sending in a beautiful corner of the midfielder shot red and blue.
Around the half hour the calf raises his center of gravity by taking advantage of an athlete who stays behind, perhaps too just trying to start the counterattack.
At 23 'beautiful ball of No. 9 to No. 7 filter that leaves out Fiacchi hypnotized by shooting him. At 32 'is still instinctively Fiacchi protagonist foiling a shot over the bar with close n.5.
Atletico finally managed to show up in forward and does so with Mocci that left the creeps at the calf. But
are "calves" not yet dominant and so the 38 'Fortune' on the side Atletico with that No. 7 with a nice trip from a tight angle hit the crossbar in the middle.
At 40 'we still have to shake it a pretty innocuous shot of No. 18 becomes a great danger that Fiacchi dip, we lag behind the ball which passes under his arms then touching the pole, perhaps the only new doors for Massa, however, that today was instrumental in saving the result to at least two occasions.

the whistle great rejoicing of all, knowing that they had achieved a great result in a very difficult field, against an opponent who knows the house to enforce all of its potential.
for Atletico a very important victory, especially with Mr. Strong certainly satisfied the provision of certain individuals and the three points that allow him to be lagging behind the others, except of course the well. A
certainly applaud him, the coach, which in these two weeks has managed to find the right motivation to the team, the grit and determination that seemed to have vanished in that of Luke Fontignano .... bravo!
But now we must think now and next Saturday Monteregio Victoria, the team that occupies the penultimate position in the standings but the first leg 1-0 and he had chastised that now is able to stop the Tordandrea 0-0. A lot therefore taken lightly and should not be underestimated where absolutely necessary to seek to avoid the usual voltage drop and concentration so dear to us. Come on guys.

Athletic Weight: 7 Fiacchi , Gammaidoni D. 6.5 , P. Santorelli 6.5 , Pecorari 7, Bruscolotti 6.5, 6.5 Nobili, G. Baglioni 6 (13st Lupini 6), 6 + Gennari, Mocci 6, Menestò 6.5 (20st Pettororssi 6), Taddei 6 - (31st S. Baglioni sv) A disp. Bicchi, Mari Herds Strong 6.5

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bulma And Goku Doujin

Day 6 - Return

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Answers Ap Bio Lab 5 Cell Respiration

Massa Athletic - Real S. Orsola - Highlights

How To Draw Car Accident Diagrams


product to be stored in a refrigerator (0-4 ° C)
All the flavor and fragrance of oranges and lemons for your cakes and creams.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Eod Died Dies Iraq War

I say Pian del Levante Mugnone

Today nobody is here to participate.
Tonight is a game that is won with the trousers, dirty shirt torn, clenched teeth and tears.
Tonight is a game that if you lose you lose yourself, and stay at the bottom of the well alone! I remember that
derby is immersed in the smell of roasted chestnuts, a fall that turned to winter, or perhaps to return, had the first taste of ice cream, which overlooked the spring.
A derby but it never was: the race to the ferry, to get rid of the horn on the highway, the delay of the flight that is scary, someone is still following the holidays, the sun on your skin. Taste of the sea taste of salt, the new taste of the derby ... But the
Mugnone! Here
only fog and frost, not counting the injured list PdM so long to make a complete education. James
dispersed, Leta and Ciccio battered after a trip in Spain, Simo struggling with a knee injury that keeps him still now for a month, Dome struggling with a knee that do not yet know the extent of damage ...
Predictions say the final Fc Mugnone says Pian del Mugnone! A
will take the field in 7 ... lions!
compact and united for the first time just a prank opponent who is nn gates put in a good team on the field and double benefit for us with two balls out of a cold that quickly found cipriani gl'avversari ...
second half began with too much fear, only Mugnone, but perhaps not everyone knows that you Goca in 4, plus a goalkeeper and our ... scary! We pay
naive error on a corner that allows you to narrow the gap and re-open the game ... A few minutes from the end
occasionissima for their free-throw naively given. Central Tyre
Cruel As our friend says: << you win his heart! against all odds even in adversity >>
And tonight there was so much in the field!
Mugnone Fc Final Result 1 - Pian del Mugnone 2

''''The editorial Domenico Abiuso


Nicolella: 10 votes he is the man derby para unstoppable struggles for every ball you eat gl'avversari with gl'occhi responds to a chat with real miracoli.Per many will be hard to sleep tonight! ONE MAN SHOW

ANDERINI Q: 8.5 votes Always ahead of the opponent, runs well defense, check out some conclusions little luck, it sweeps away everything and everyone. He does everything in the middle of the field sweeps away everything and everyone. I do not be surprised if it came out on Monday that washes mesh. MONUMENTAL

GAVILLE: vote 6 As always makes his play for a little discomfort in the heel, but when there is demonstrated a good vision of the game and position. PUPIL

MONKS: 6.5 rating and 'picking up the defensive attitude suffers, should be linked. He almost marked the
3a0 with a lack of closure at the far post by a whisker.
lacks experience in committing a needless foul that leads to the next free throw, we know it can give more, even if a battered ankle limits him.

CIPRIANI D. : 6.5 Upon voting his second appearance with the RMB is facing one of the most important part, we eat a goal in front of goal but makes up with a nice assist for his cousin. Defender
added at the end. DUCTILE

MASSARO: vote 7 is the embodiment of the definition of heart and determination, we put it all, keep good balls and try some conclusion at the door.
missing the appointment with the goals but the team played very importamte more.

CIPRIANI A. : 8.5 rate plays the role more difficult to replace Abiuso''''but in the evening, just before he sacrifices himself and helped them fight alone on every new start for finding the way of the goal twice. CECCHIN

of Abiuso Domenico