Thursday, March 17, 2011

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Even the infirmary full Massetana

is approaching the meeting with Atletico Bagnaia and the mass shift is still a dire emergency.
Unfortunately, many absences are creating many problems for Mr. Strong that training has to change every week and this week is certainly not exception.
News from the field in fact are not very positive and say a strong doubt in Valerie Gennari, Olimpieri Pettorossi and could be the match but they are both feverish, and certainly will forfeit Menestò Pecorari and pit stop for muscular problems .
A situation is therefore very difficult for the team that Massetana precisely in the crucial stage of the championship is more than ever, a strong emergency players, a condition that has dogged the red and blue for most of the entire league certainly affect the performance of the team.
now before the rest of the round on April 3, it is to overcome the obstacle and then the Tordandrea Bagnaia, two games difficult but very important that Atletico are likely to determine the location of the play off the grid, so you try to erase the lackluster performance of recent games by pulling out all the pride that this group has in its DNA, fielding all possible forces and the highest concentration ... only then can be sure you've given everything!
Come on guys ... but ... nothing is impossible and we believe you?

There is strong who does not fall, but who has the strength to stand up falling. (Jim Morrison)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Where To Buy Eggless Cake In Melbourne

Day 11 - Return Of

Monday, March 14, 2011

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Victory for PdM then win ...

This is the comment of going with the Metalstudio:
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Victory for PdM then loses ...
In a night like any other in that of Mugnone await the Metalstudio ... 21:00 pm
planned kick-off, where are they?? (Lost in traffic apparently)
You win 3 points ... a table match, and pizza all at home!
PdM share in 13 ...
It is, but we do not like to win easy!
is that with more than 20 'Metalstudio the delay occurs, the delegate, with an extreme act of doing good (it will be that Christmas is near) asks us what do you play or not play??
Moments of indecision someone vote yes, vote no, but as someone who is also responsible for us for Christmas is approaching and shocked by the news that Santa Claus does not exist, this year we want to bring them gifts!
Ok let's play! ... I stop here after we know unfortunately ... In this round the
Metalstudio does not occur at all, and makes sure the PdM three points, having regard to the precious evening with great absences, and thanks to the victory of Trallaltro against the Red Lily, a second place is worth gold!
Everything in our hands!

Ps. Thanks to James for giving us a hand when you need it!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Railway Sleeper Retaining Wall

Parrano and ends at Atletico Atletico networks white

Parra - ATLETICO MASS: 0-0

End at the meeting between the networks white Parrano and Atletico Massa valid for the 25th day of the championship round of the Third Category B.
For Atletico gained a point away but surely Mr. Strong (pictured ) has seen but think that maybe expected a little more from his boys after the clear defeat last Sunday against Col. Bas.
Now, however, we must now think very hard and very important meeting on Saturday and against Bagnaia, well-equipped team in the standings following Atletico to just two points away. First leg ended 1-1 but for Massetani there really is exploiting the opportunity to stretch the field factor, with the hope to recover even a few crashes that these days but it would be very much appreciated!

Sorry for the lack of reports of this round, but in cases of force majeure shall not be able to go to attend the meeting, so there I make an appointment to look at the highlights of PANEVISION we will publish in mid-week.

I take this opportunity to publicly thank all the Athletic Ground and all those who shared with me the immense joy at the arrival of Margaret.
My promise is that already for next Saturday I will be present again at the stadium to "try" to talk about how every time the exploits of these guys for me, along with the entire leadership of course, have already obtained their greatest achievement: to create a wonderful group of friends who can have fun and be together outside the pitch!

"True friends love to share those precious moments that life brings them, as the little things of life that is worth living every day."
Sergio Bambarén

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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Impossible is Nothing! Pian del Mugnone

Each of us lives the day of the game in its own way, there are those who warms the room as Simone Anderini: is prepared by the League of Austria-awaited meeting between Scotland's Orange Tulip and the PDM. At 22:00 last night a good part of town you stop in front of screens or, in the case of the luckiest fans in Campo La Fontana, to attend a clash missed international football.
Some count the hours as Alessio Leta: - 11 hours and 47 minutes , there are those who''sings''the also well Andrea Cipriani PdM anthem: There Bon Bon Bon There Bo Bo !!!!!
Some women recalled that today is an important day for them, Ricardo Frati: Women Christmas and there are those who would like to thank ''rich'' Anderini Thanks Daniel, then there are those dreams, If I had the opportunity to express 3 wishes the first would be a new knee in order to play this game ... Abiuso Domenico
Anticipation, anxiety, know that this is a decisive game, reopen if you win the championship, if you lose, you only have to fight to stay where you are ... We know the value
degl'avversari are first and surely must mean something, but you also know of our value based primarily on the strength of a group of friends who want to have fun.
I want to emphasize the words of the workout after Sunday's Cipriani We are the most beautiful .... and I do not say whether aesthetic (also because I can afford enough to see why I say !)...... how we train, all with a smile, always ..... this is perhaps in the league that binds us and makes us win all (and I mean all the games ... !!!!!)
Nothing could be more right!
It is with this spirit that the PdM extends its winning streak to six by beating the league leaders for 5a1.
's something unexpected to find to fight for the championship, at least 3 points from the top, at this point, we believe and continue on this road, there are still 4 games, whatever happens will be a success! .
''When you move in the direction of your goals, nothing can stop you .''

''''The editorial Domenico Abiuso

REPORT CARD PDM-I TULIPS 5-1 (3 sheep, Cipriani, Massaro)

Nicolella vote 10 on the right, under the intersection of the poles, a brick was missing, the rest just the work of bricklayers. That was done in Berlin in comparison with Lego.

Anderini Rating 7.5: makes it easy to difficult, like being number 22 on the opponent's game but that creates real dangers, and it remains glued to the tip even had the silicone and the Pea.

Cipriani vote 8: The first goal of the evening is a masterpiece that bears his signature and the whole evening has the hottest foot of the seventeen American visiting Florence. Defends a grim one.

Leta 3.5 rating: cue the match so striking, the unthinkable mistake. "An Eternal rest grant unto him, Lord. Splenda in Your perpetual light and he rest in peace. Amen." Great desire to build on next ...

GAVILLE vote 6: play very little and certainly will be back in the next games. But in those few minutes in the presence piss head opponents reciting the Divine Comedy. Predestined.

Massaro 7.5 vote: a big night overshadowed only by that in the same hour Michelle Hunziker make sure the title of 'Miss Vagina 2010'.

Pecori vote 9: if they did a DNA test on the Shroud of Turin, Jesus discovers he has a twin brother. Elusive.

Alessio Leta

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Replacing Shocks On Jeep Liberty

Massa - Col.Bas .... that Scoppola!

Networks: 17'pt Valeri (B), 34'pt Venarucci (B), 12'st Mocci (AM), 38st Boccolini (B)
athletic Massa very altered, eleven players out for accident, the enterprise fails to keep up with a super Col.Bas. who wins the big match of the 24 th day with a heavy 4-1. Victoria certainly deserved result, but perhaps too severe for men in the shooting of Mr. Strong that react with great pride at the drab proof of the first 45 'and then only in the final surrender. At this moment the Col.Bas. with the new arrivals is well above the team Massetana, has reinforced a lot and is proving to be a really great team , square and well-matched in every department and the results are giving absolutely right. Atletico sincere heart for so little play but is completely absent in the first portion of the game much better in the second half, but certainly not very incisive and where once again the absences were felt like boulders weighing, unfortunately too many players in roles that are not adapted own and the game suffers a lot but who has taken the field are doing their best, but the difference with the first part of the season you see.

respected the minute's silence in memory of the hold of the Alpine Massimo Ranzani killed Monday ' in Afghanistan, and immediately began the meeting the guests take their ball game even though the first and the athlete with Mocci dangerous action, shooting outside the box, the diversion of a defender and the ball on the pole.
The Col.Bas. shows great individuality and good organization of play so that the 17 'comes with a well-deserved advantage Valeri able to push the network to head a cross from Boccolini.
Atletico suffered and struggled to get ahead because there are no landmarks, and when restarted never find no one in front to collect the ball. At 23 'guests are still to be hazardous Gijnaj, but weak and attentive and makes diving in the corner, then at 33' wasting badly off guard with a good location Venarucci that do not circumscribe the door.
Massetani A minute later the chapter yet, Gammaidoni D. smooth with the ball and then Venarucci which controls around Noble that stretches from behind, the referee is strictly between the protests of rossoblu indicating the location of the foul started outside the box. On the ball goes the same for Col.Bas n.9. that displaces Fiacchi for 2-0.
Atletico is on the ropes while still pushing the guests and only the reflexes of weak save at 39 'from the Massetani 3-0 on a beautiful shot of Gijnaj.
In the second half Atletico seems regenerated and finally starts to spin the ball creating hardships the Col.Bas. and after 12 'Mocci shortens the distance by networking two steps of a cross Marchetti Cozzi rejects badly.
Massetani I now believe in the comeback, 'cos they try to push hard but the visitors were always dangerous and the 23' corner kick Gajnaj committed head still sluggish, then between 27 'and 29' s Atletico creates two opportunities that will be decisive for the rest of the race before with Gammaidoni F. area that runs well with a super Cozzi lifting a corner and then with Marchetti explodes from a tight angle with the right in the middle of the ball hitting the post with goalkeeper beaten.
At 32 'is to try Menestò Cozzi distance but is careful and rejects his fists. I rossoblu some 'hopeless case continue to press too hard but in wanting to take them to retrieve the result of mistakes too, and as the minutes pass the Col.Bas. although suffering somehow manages to defend itself and then to 38 'thinks Boccolini to close the race with a beautiful free kick at the near post with faint that it can only watch. Mr. Strong tries to remove two defenders before putting the other two strikers but this move only makes the inevitable counter-attacks of the guests at the 41 'close games with Volpi putting a cross in the network of the inexhaustible Baciucco.
A heavy defeat to Atletico Massa that he must recover some of the players to think of a season finale even though important today in front of you has found perhaps the best team in the form of the championship.

Athletic Weight: 6 Fiacchi , Gammaidoni D. 5 (38st Lupini), P. Santorelli 5 (38st Mari), Olimpieri 5 (1'st Menestò 5.5) Gammaidoni F. 6, 5 Nobili, G. Baglioni 6 (22st Pettorossi 5.5), 5 Pecorari, Mocci 6 +, Bruscolotti 5.5, 6.5 Marchetti A disp. Paolucci, S. Baglioni, A. Gennari Appendix 5.5 Strong

COL.BAS.: Cozzi 6.5, Valeri 6 +, 6 Farinelli, Santi 6.5, Donati 6, Romoli 6.5, Gijnaj 7 (38st Volpi), Menghini 6 (14st Bartolini 6), Venarucci 6 + (41st Bianchi), Baciucco 7 (43st Modesti), Boccolini 6.5 A disp. Dimasi, Morini, Cerquiglini Herds Azzarelli 7

Tomorrow's game will come out the article in the Corriere Umbria

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Syphilis Long Term Short Term

Day 9 - Return

not lose that game on Saturday will see the hosts Atletico in front of Massa and one of the revelations of this season and that is the Col Bas. of Mr. Azzarelli, divided in the standings by one point only.
Mr. Strong as usual has to cope with a long list of injured players (so many that could form a pretty good team ... see below) and if one part is the recovery of Mocci, absent Sunday S. Angelo di Celle, on the other also stops Gennari for a redesign everything from midfield.
In the hope that it is really a good day of sport and the weather, Saturday at least give a moment's peace, let's appointment as the Atletico fans to participate in numerous mass as usual, ready to toss all together just cry ... " strength athletes" ... and may the best win!

Probable formation of Saturday

Training injured ... not bad!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Club Penguin How To Aboubt A Rainbow Puffle


Saturday 5 March 2011
Dinner Dance
... strictly all in masks!
During the evening, open bar

The festival will take place at the premises of the Vice-President Samuel Trisciani
inside the castle of Massa Martana

confirm no later than Wednesday, March 2 2011

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Congratulation On Pregnancy Sayings

a draw without too many jolts

S. Angelo di Celle - Atletico Massa: 1-1
Networks: 15st Bruscolotti (AM), 25st bellini (SAC)

Atletico Massa continues winning streak and in the field of HS cells leads to a draw at home that results day in hand, suggests three points lost that would have launched the team into second place in Massetana lonely.
A result remains fair, not playing particularly beautiful because of the weather and a really bad pitch that did not allow to play ball on the ground too quiet, but also too many steps and very few bad ideas in the process of 'setting on both sides.
Regarding Atletico say that to excuse a little 'company and Mr. Strong are the many absences due to injury still affecting the rossoblu, just to name a few Alcini, Valentini, Morichetti, Taddei, D. Santarelli, Squadrons, Mocci, Gammaidoni F., Paolucci, Picecchi, Antonelli, a long list that weighs heavily on managing the game and the players left, which obviously at this moment you can not ask for more.
Also Sunday, the Massetani took to the field by putting so much effort, but, without wishing to disparage anyone, the gaps and difficulties in some key areas you see and how, above all the absence Gammaidoni of Frederick in the middle of the field feels a lot, man of the highest order that can dictate the timing advanced to the whole department.
It must be said that if someone is still making it perhaps more than expected, some players are going through a very see-saw see all Menestò player with undoubted technical skills but is struggling to find some continuity.
After two days in which the attacker Massa seemed to have understood some basic moves for him and for the whole team, in the encounter with S. Angelo di Celle magazines have played some of its sterile and lonely who have never come to nothing if not worsen the performance.
What has been noticed from the stands is that too often look for the personal action or play improbable even in areas where instead of the field would be more useful to put the ball on the ground, and then exchange it with a buddy from now on looking for the speed depth.
is certain is that in order to do this kind of game that everyone should run more, to better assist the attackers in the process of setting offensive, especially when there is a counter-attack in which more than one occasion has been made Sunday .

Part strong as ever now Atletico that occurs first from the parts of frog, the 6 'Bruscolotti launches Marchetti, from cross country skiing, running well for Menestò Baglioni arrives in the middle a little late. The owners do not want to disgrace and so the 14 ', Sisti looks good in this area but is Santorelli and saved in extremis.
At 19 'occasionissima for S. Angelo, Bellini Artegiani serves well in the center, and a great shot of weak action that puts a foot in the corner. I put pressure on gialloblù Massetani that do not seem to find the key to the problem with a sterile midfield too often and too far from the actants.
The game goes by without too much emotion and then the final time we test Badacchini the distance with the ball rising over the bar.
started shooting with the team of Mr. Strong that seems to enter the field with more conviction even if the 7 is still Bellini, among the best of the premises, to bind up Fiacchi punishment. All'15 'Atletico took the lead angle of Gennari and perfect header Bruscolotti ( pictured) in the scrum that pierces Frogley.
On the wings of the Massetani try to push to close the game, but Marchetti before and shortly after Mari can not find the winning. At 22 'is still the athlete to become dangerous with Bruscolotti that from a tight angle, and then take out two defenders but shot wide. The
S. Angelo still does not give up and even less well in the first 45 'still can be seen from parts of the 25 Fiacchi that' nothing can be beautiful on fire by Bellini, which aimed at perfection of a beautiful action on the left by Artegiani .
Both teams seem content with a draw even if the 40 'on a quick free-kick by the hosts, Bellini focuses on a beautiful cross with Fiacchi still good to get out of hand with Olimpieri then free.

ends so that the encounter with Atletico must now think about the next day, this will be a week of great interest mainly because Saturday is the obstacle Col.Bas. that after changing coach and enlarged the rose with some important engagement, really seems to have found their own bedding and finding game goals, an important test of maturity for Massetani that should be deployed as well as much concentration and effort too much quality.
Come on guys, even though we are in an emergency, the time is right not to regret the absence, this is the time to roll up our sleeves and prove you deserve the good things done so far, trying to spend a week of calm but at the same time begin find right now the right incentives for players on Saturday afternoon ... remember .... there is no obstacle too big ... only reasons too small!

ATLETICO MASS: Fiacchi 6.5 , Gammaidoni D. 6, Santorelli 6, Pecorari 6 - , Bruscolotti 6 +, 6 Nobili, G. Baglioni 6, Gennari 5.5 (14st Olimpieri 6), Pettorossi 5.5, 5.5 Menestò (10st Mari 6), Marchetti 5.5 A disp. Bicchi, Lupini, Baglioni S. Herds Strong

S. ANGEL OF CELLS: 6 Frogley, M. Mencacci 5.5, 6 Palmierina, Cinti 6 -, Caporali 6 -, 6 Ciabatta, Canopies 6 -, Gambelunghe 5.5, Artegiani 6 +, 6 Bellini, Sisti 6 A disp. Valigi, Lorenzoni Herds Gianbenedetti 6