Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Why People Masterbate


On 2 October there was a very good demonstration in Piazza San Giovanni in Rome, the second of Such to demand the resignation of Prime Minister. On the same day was also held the World Cup final motocross Red Bull X-Fighters World Tour 2010 "at the Stadio Flaminio and I hope to have some photos to be published soon!
Unlike the first, this second protest against the government has not moved a mass of people exorbitant because the disappointment is great, but the fact remains that the demonstration was still very nice and helpful to maintain a certain decorum and dignity, especially abroad, where for several years now are wondering why Italians continue to make an individual as their Silvio Berlusconi Prime Minister. Yes may provide some explanation of this singular obstinacy of trust, constantly betrayed the majority of the voters: that part consists of honest people, or at least far enough away from the reality of the Mafia and corruption, which increasingly stifles our beautiful country, not to make account of the ugly turn that things are taking. But with all the explanations that we can find, in the end we always find ourselves at the same point: information.
I came to the conclusion that we can not make distinctions between the Freedom House countries and dictatorships partly free, partly because if a country is free is not free and so if one is not free dictatorship. If you believe that it is not so then you have to explain to me what it is used to grant voting rights to citizens if he is not in the package of concessions also included a sound and complete information? If you do not provide an appropriate (for the times) the level of education to the entire population? Absolutely nothing, except to turn democracy into a tragicomedy! If today we speak of semi-dictatorship is because they feel the need to moderate the overall reality and make it less ugly than it actually is. The lack of sound information has transformed the media as a useful tool for the realization of democracy at the diabolical machine, bringing out the most negative aspect, that which once denounced Pasolini: the speech ex cathedra -down directly into the minds of the voters-viewers. To this I say that the greatest illusion Berlusconi era is to give the impression to the masses to think with their heads and this is possible because of ever more extensive control mechanisms of modern technologies of communication that we carry in our spontaneously homes, by giving them more and more total ... So here is that the different faith, or Vespa Minzolini become the trainers of weak minds educated in the very delicate moment in which their brain is at a minimum of brain activity: while watching television with the expression of cold fish, for a real brain-washing with controfiocchi.


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