Monday, November 22, 2010

Synthesis Of Benzocaine Theoretical Yield

The U.S. retreat of the Nazis but not only ... Thought

These days it resurfaced in a report of the OSI (Office of Special Investigation) American came into the possession of the New York Times, that many will find it a shocking truth: the U.S. at the end the war and the years immediately following, gave hospitality to many employees of the Third Reich, including scientists and researchers, mainly military, but also to criminals of the caliber Otto Von Bolschwing, the right arm of Adolph Eichmann during the war was much used in the extermination of "inferior races". The shocking truth of the OAS report good or bad stop here and apart from a bit 'general indignation of the time will certainly mitigate and eventually disappear, does not reveal any background really shocking that enrich or even to rewrite the history books that speak of those dark years.
But there is reason to believe that in reality the Nazis at the end of the war have always had agreements with allies to transfer resources and technologies needed to build the atomic bomb in exchange for a guarantee of impunity! Send that the public is now part of my thesis I did for the state exam years ago
In 1945 the U.S. bombed Japan with two atomic bombs, after the first explosion at Alamogordo, New Mexico (July 16, 1945). What few know is where it comes from the uranium used for the two explosions of Hiroshima (Aug. 6, 1945) and Nagasaki (August 9, 1945). Meanwhile, it should be noted that it launched two bombs on Japan, instead of one, to show that the first was not the only and last owned by the U.S. atomic bomb. And then, and this is the real news, you should know that some components fundamental of the two bombs came from ... Germany, a load that you want Originally intended for an exchange of war materiel between Hitler and Hirohito, the emperor of Japan. The version commonly credited says that the first three atomic bombs were produced by the U.S. at a cost of two billion dollars and five years of work by an army of high-level scientists, with the help of Britain. It 's true that the U.S. had succeeded in enriching uranium - a major component of the atomic bomb - but the evidence findings clearly indicate that due to the haste and the technological backwardness, only thanks to the amazing opportunity to get from Germany necessary components, which were scarce in the U.S., it was possible for the Manhattan Project to complete its bombs in time for the bombing on Japan by the end of August 1945.
amazing is that these materials were not captured during a successful act of war, but were a counterpart of a secret transaction between Germany and the U.S.: the agreement provided that Nazis receive a guarantee of impunity, even living in hiding for decades after the end of World War II, after escaping from Europe. There are records of the State Archives of the United States to demonstrate this thesis also sheds light on the policy of some U.S. presidents in the decades after the armistice. This is just to make a historical review of enormous scope, in the light of data and documents acquired, which will clarify many aspects which would otherwise remain obscure. Among these documents is a list of materials stored inside the German submarine (Unterseeboot) U-234 XB, among which are 560 kg of uranium oxide in ten containers and other technologies that Nazi war at the time were state of the art. For example, two air Messerschmidt 262 jet fighter completely disassembled (the Messerschmidt was the first jet aircraft and was used during the Second World War).
The submarine was transferred to Portsmouth, New Hampshire, May 19, 1945. Some journalists were witnesses to it. Finally there is a photograph taken by a photographer of a local newspaper, when the U-234 was at anchor, which shows a mysterious prisoner civil bears great resemblance to Heinrich Mueller. They landed the shuttle that was used for personal ends by U-234. The man in the picture it is the former head of the Gestapo which lands on American soil. Its mission is to ensure the delivery of material for atomic bombs and other material that had been agreed with the U.S., in return for immunity and protection for the Nazis who have received for decades until today. , November 20, 1947, the submarine U-234 was sunk by a torpedo from USS Greenfish during the training, about 40 miles north-east of Cape Cod on the east coast USA.
would take too long to list here all the documentation that proves beyond doubt that: 1) uranium without the submarine would not be feasible to produce the uranium bomb on Hiroshima, and 2) without the benzyl cellulose, used as a moderator, it was not possible to synthesize plutonium, and 3) without the help of Schickle scientist who was on board the submarine, its counterpart in the U.S. Manhattan Project, Louis Alvarez, would not be able to plan in time to trigger the implosion for the plutonium bomb Nagasaki! Two other scientists, aeronautical engineers who were on board the submarine, were recycled within the industry Fairchild which will be released in the fifties the famous F-105 jet aircraft used in the Vietnam War.
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