Saturday, December 25, 2010

Paint Chocolate Color For Bedroom


Who has never heard of Ponzi scheme? Probably not enough if people even today, after almost a century, the clever ruse Italian-American Charles Ponzi continues to be used effectively with some minor variations to circumvent the laws, the purpose of misleading thousands of people with promises of easy and immediate earnings exponentially. Suffice it to say that in 2008 an American entrepreneur named Bernard Madoff has managed to organize what is called the largest fraud in history, between 50 and 65 billion dollars, using this old system and tested before being sentenced to 150 years in prison. In Italy the law 173/2005 has made it illegal to promotion and implementation of activities and sales structures in which the components of the primary economic incentive is based on the mere recruitment of new players, rather than on their ability to sell or promote , but this law can be easily duped. For example, rapid expansion is having, even in the province of Salerno, the work of agent avatar (Agave) whose purpose, it is clear from the young voices and conclusive facts, is primarily to recruit new agents. Become agents avatar is very simple: just get a present and without no commitment to an account on a social network of the type of second life, and then through the contract, which includes a total investment of 2400 €, 800 € liquids and the remaining € 1600 to be subtracted to future earnings, buy a kit that allows the distribution of an asset consisting of a virtual account on the same social networks and, more importantly, the recruitment of new staff avatar. If you can bring a large number of people around, maybe you get also gain, as the agents earn a percentage of sales established a web page containing the company's marketing plan "Next Level Distribution Ltd" which invokes the contract page which can be changed arbitrarily and without notice. It is therefore inevitable that to recover the money invested should bring in around an unknown number of people who, in turn, to recover the money invested will bring other people in the loop. This mechanism is fraudulent of course intended to culminate in losses for most of the participants, because the gains derived or in fact almost exclusively from fees paid by new investors, as they may be numerous, they will eventually collapse. At this point the last to be entered in just lose all or part of the money invested, unable to arrive at least equal to the saturation of the market due to the impossibility di reclutare nuovi adepti. Nonostante la chiarezza della logica che sottende tali attività, spudoratamente, durante un convegno chiamato ODO (One Day Opportunity) organizzato dalla società per attrarre nuovi investitori spiegando loro in cosa consisterebbe il lavoro, dopo una serie di filmati e testimonianze di gente arricchitasi facilmente e velocemente, viene spiegato che il 20% della popolazione ha l’80% della ricchezza e di come sia possibile, diventando agenti avatar, passare nel 20% della popolazione arricchitasi sulle spalle di tutti gli altri, proprio come nell'ottica della mentalità capitalistica, anche se quest'ultima cosa ovviamente viene omessa. In conclusione essere un agente avatar non è in teoria un'attività illegale, but it is better to refrain from becoming one, especially if you want to be with a clear conscience: without the burden of having deceived the people who have trusted us, including our friends and relatives. For more info

council to consult the following blog:

new Update January 6, 2011:

In December 2010, the National Consumers Union (UNC) has Antitrust reported the business conduct put in place by "Next Level Distribution Ltd" for service "The Next World - Agents Avatar", providing all relevant information necessary to withdraw the contract of the company. What has prompted the company to report the UNC antitrust claims were not only consumers, but the action of the company reported to make its mark UNCA forms without asking or even less have the approval UNCA but still telling investors that it has requested and received permission! Action that adds more confusion to the activity and honesty of the company ...
source: "The Next World" reported Antitrust


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