Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sudden Large Amount Of Discharge

Following a lecture on Hegel

After being at a seminar on Hegel texting with a friend:
[Friend] So what do you generally seemed to Hegel? I hope it will be done by that hideous disease that is infecting the idealism!
[Runnix] Hey hello, Hegel's interesting is his idea of \u200b\u200bbecoming and its confidence in human development. Read a similar philosophy is always very heartening, at least for me!
[Friend] Hegel fact for all that has happened after we had guessed on trust to the human being! Nietzsche said that man is poised between the animal and the Superman: you can not have full confidence man because he is imperfect ... But in the end, what then becoming? It is nothing but a production of the man who has no reason to be if not for another category of purely human matrix: time.
I ask you a question: you're a materialist or idealist? I'm doing is a survey among my friends and acquaintances
[Runnix] If idealist is a person convinced of the existence of a condition of life very different from the ideal state of nature, born of faith in man and in overcome his existential problems, then I think I'm an idealist.
[Friend] Thank you for participating in the survey, she won € 500 in gold coins! :D another idealist ... Sorry if I break
my balls my friend but I have to get one last question: what value for you the world around us? It is worthy of our attention or we should turn to another?
[Runnix] I think it is worthy of our attention since we can only live in it.
[Friend] I agree with you ... So you're an idealist, abnormal, usually the typical idealist turns his attention to an ideal world, forgetting the current ... Hail, thanks for your contributions and good evening, hello!

... After about a day ...

[Runnix] Hey hello, now that I'm curious! Returning to the discourse on Hegel, you have explicitly told not to be idealistic, but you're still a communist? If you're still as you can not reconcile communism with idealism?
[Friend] In this way, communism is a political ideal but it has a material recognition, so we're talking about a borderline case ... Good question!
[Runnix] And yours is a better answer! :)


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